
In this web page, Mental Enhancements, the author discusses 'Transhumanism', which he describes thusly:

Transhumanists are interested in metaprogramming, rewriting the programs of our minds so that we become more efficient, dynamic, positive - you name it. The good news is that most methods are quite simple, the bad news is that they require continuing use - it is not possible to just read about them, they must be used to become truly effective.

This is good! I am intrigued, because for me, one of the central things that makes us human, is that we have the ability to learn and choose for ourselves:

Intellect + Free Will + Ability to learn = human

I think it is important for human beings to realize that they have choices to make, and that the choices that we make encompass a huge spectrum of what our lives can be, and that they can be very different from what they are currently. For me, this means that I try hard to choose how to act so that I live up to my moral standards, and to live the best life that I can. In recent years I have sometimes found life to be difficult. Real life and buddhistic nirvana are sometimes very far apart.

However, this 'transhumanism', seems interesting to me. It fits in with my interest in the Dalai Lama, cognitive science, and Daniel Goleman and I'm going to go read some of the links on that page now.

